Val and Bill Tillett Scholarship

Recipient must be attending Northern Virginia Community College seeking a degree within the school’s Horticulture program. Award priority includes Loudoun County residence as well as financial need; residents of Prince William, Fairfax, Alexandria, and Arlington will be considered. Both full-time and part-time applicants may apply. Once selected, an applicant may apply for a second consecutive year of scholarship support with re-application and at least a 2.5 GPA or C+ or higher.

Completed general application form; 250-words essay sharing “Why a degree in Horticulture Technology or Landscape Design Specialization is a good fit for me,” or, “My financial challenges to attend school;” letter of recommendation from the Program Head or teacher in the NOVA Community College’s Horticulture program; FAFSA/1040, and grade transcripts required.

The Universal Application form and instructions can be found here:
